Organic and kosher moms: join our discount club
(too old to reply)
Rebecca Warke
2004-06-27 14:48:50 UTC
Wellness, health, healing, organic, discount...and kosher. Join a rapidly
growing discount club for all natural products and start your own business
referring other organic moms to an amazing company. 100% fun, BBB members,
20 year company, wonderful networking for organic and kosher moms around the

--Spam-aware? Or, on the donotcall.gov list? Read the postscript at the
end- I understand your concern.


All you need to do is click on my link, then the inquiry for joining iMoms.
Through iMoms' June and July special, I was able to waive the $29 membership
fee to the partner company, and pay just $1 to join, for the purpose of
building a business. Whether I go through with that is _my_ choice, but it
gave me a free product membership with a preferred customer discount. (This
isn't just for moms, it's for everyone. I-Moms is a home business name for
a _great_ referral and satellite marketing company. It's i-Dads and
i-Couples too.)

For people who need a traditional Kosher home, you save tons of
time having to read ingredient labels. You can save big $ on top quality,
100% cruelty and animal product free organic home and life products.
Everything you need is available for a complete Kosher household: foods,
supplements, cleaners, laundry, makeup and bath products, OTC medicines,
skincare, natural health, with star-k, tablet-k, ko, KOA, and OU-D
certification readily available on the site.

The opportunity, once you've tried the products, to share this company with
your community *at a profit to you*, is a great side perk.
That's mainly why I chose this newsgroup, because many of you have an
instant physical community to which you can demonstrate (your own, no
inventories to pay for) products and get these products further out there.
The people you interact with at imoms are wonderful, and I didn't experience
an ounce of pressure, it is always about what I want.

Visit iMoms through my referral site at
if you're interested in the company, the discount, and/or working from home.
A great opportunity for organic moms.

Rebecca W.

If you are concerned about spam and telemarketing and need to see my own and
imoms' policy, just click on my website and request a copy, or click on
imoms' info. Thank you for your consideration and kindness, and enjoy a
healthy home and future.

2012-03-16 02:47:29 UTC
Hi RW,

I just wondered how your organic moms business is going. Great idea.
Post by Rebecca Warke
Wellness, health, healing, organic, discount...and kosher. Join a rapidly
growing discount club for all natural products and start your own business
referring other organic moms to an amazing company. 100% fun, BBB members,
20 year company, wonderful networking for organic and kosher moms around the
--Spam-aware? Or, on the donotcall.gov list? Read the postscript at the
end- I understand your concern.
All you need to do is click on my link, then the inquiry for joining iMoms.
Through iMoms' June and July special, I was able to waive the $29 membership
fee to the partner company, and pay just $1 to join, for the purpose of
building a business. Whether I go through with that is _my_ choice, but it
gave me a free product membership with a preferred customer discount. (This
isn't just for moms, it's for everyone. I-Moms is a home business name for
a _great_ referral and satellite marketing company. It's i-Dads and
i-Couples too.)
For people who need a traditional Kosher home, you save tons of
time having to read ingredient labels. You can save big $ on top quality,
100% cruelty and animal product free organic home and life products.
Everything you need is available for a complete Kosher household: foods,
supplements, cleaners, laundry, makeup and bath products, OTC medicines,
skincare, natural health, with star-k, tablet-k, ko, KOA, and OU-D
certification readily available on the site.
The opportunity, once you've tried the products, to share this company with
your community *at a profit to you*, is a great side perk.
That's mainly why I chose this newsgroup, because many of you have an
instant physical community to which you can demonstrate (your own, no
inventories to pay for) products and get these products further out there.
The people you interact with at imoms are wonderful, and I didn't experience
an ounce of pressure, it is always about what I want.
Visit iMoms through my referral site at
if you're interested in the company, the discount, and/or working from home.
A great opportunity for organic moms.
Rebecca W.
If you are concerned about spam and telemarketing and need to see my own and
imoms' policy, just click on my website and request a copy, or click on
imoms' info. Thank you for your consideration and kindness, and enjoy a
healthy home and future.